Star Trek Discovery - Escape Pod
Television Series
I was part of the VFX team for CBS Studios.
I worked remotely from my home office in the UK and was the only artist working on the project that was based outside of North America.
This was a huge privilege and I felt extremely proud that CBS trusted me enough to allow this as I had access to very confidential documents and artwork.
My duties were to model various spaceships including the famous Bird Of Prey.
I was provided with concept art to work with. In some cases they were detailed enough to show the form and finer details, where in other cases they only showed the ships from a certain angle.
For the areas unseen in the concept art I had to concept model that section and present for approval before continuing to make the asset suitable for a VFX pipeline.
Modelling a 3D asset from 2D concept art often presents various proportional challenges. Sometimes form and shape work from one angle, but may not work from a three-quarter angle. So it was my task to create a 3D model that accurately represented the concept art, whilst working from all angles.
Once the concept model was approved, I refined, cleaned up the geometry and created the UVs so that the asset would work within the VFX pipeline.
This was one of the most fun and rewarding projects I have had the privileged to work on.
Thank you CBS Studios and Matt Gore for the opportunity. It was a real pleasure working with Matt.